Get Involved

"To make a difference all you have to do is care for others. By sharing your time you are enriching the

programs at Mending Arrow Ranch.

 All we need is you!

Volunteering at the Ranch

Want to know more about volunteering or our community programs? Contact us for a tour of the ranch and lets get started!

Local Volunteers

If you live in the surrounding area and are interested in giving your time to the ranch, we invite you to complete and return our Local Volunteer Application.

Our Local Volunteers must be age 18 or older. If a youth age 17 or under is interested in volunteering, he or she must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or approved as a Youth Volunteer. We love having families volunteer together, and much of our daily chore list is completed by groups of individual adults, parents and kids working side by side

The ranch relies on volunteers to help our staff with the daily task list, as well as miscellaneous jobs that arise. If you have a specific skill or gift that you would like to offer be sure to indicate that on your application.

Volunteer Application Process:

  • Each volunteer opportunity is by application only and is limited to a set amount of volunteers per week.
  • Each potential volunteer over the age of 18 is required to provide their own state, federal or country background check. Any and all background checks need to be submitted to our Volunteer Department no later than two weeks prior to the desired arrival date.
  • All volunteers must provide their own transportation, food and housing if they do not live in the area.
  • Potential volunteers age 17 and below need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This parent or guardian is required to fill out an application and provide a background check in addition to the youth-submitted application.

*Please note that only Mending Arrow Ranch staff lead sessions with children or work directly with ranch horses.

Group Service Volunteers

Gather your co-workers, youth groups, church small groups, or school groups and come complete a service project together on the farm!

When filling the Group Volunteer Application, be sure to include group dynamics (number of people, approximate age group, leader-to-kid ratio if it is youth, etc.) and any specific skills or talents your group wishes to utilize or share. Whatever the nature of your group, we hope to find a good fit for you that will also meet a need at the ranch!

Group Application Process:

  • After Group Applications are processed, office staff will contact the group leader to set up a short phone interview.
  • Group Requests must be filled out 2 months before desired volunteer date.
  • Local Groups do have the option of being "On Call," and we will contact you when we have big jobs arise that will require many hands or specific skills.

*Please note that only Mending Arrow Ranch staff lead sessions with children or work directly with ranch horses.

Short Term/Project Volunteers

We welcome short term volunteers that wish to participate in one day/weekend ranch projects. During these projects we will need a higher volume of volunteers to achieve a goal within a short amount of time. Please check our calendar to see when the next available Ranch project will be available. Fill out the form below and we will be in touch to confirm a date!

Short Term Volunteer Application Process:

  • Each volunteer opportunity is by application only and is limited to a set amount of volunteers per week.
  • All volunteers must provide their own transportation, food and housing if they do not live in the area.
  • Potential volunteers age 17 and below need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This parent or guardian is required to fill out an application and release form.

*Please note that only Mending Arrow Ranch staff lead sessions with children or work directly with ranch horses.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” — Ephesians 2:10

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